Previous issues of Bits about Money

Markets in power

How physics and infrastructure combine to generate (ba dum bum) the power market.

Siting bank branches

Community access to banking is downstream of siting decisions in commercial real estate, in fascinating detail.

The branch banking model

Ever wondered how bank branches work at a nuts-and-bolts level? Let's dig into the logic and economics of them.

The alchemy of deposits

Deposits are a public/private partnership which create generally usable money out of risky banking activities.

Plastic (and payments) in the fantasy supply chain

Shenzhen baseboard manufacturers, bicoastal U.S. tech companies, mom-and-pop factories throughout the Western world, and a global network of artisans bringing a bit of magic to your tabletop.

Accounting for SaaS and swords

Revenue recognition for software companies is much deeper than many appreciate, and improbably implicates the age-old question "What is the economically useful life of an imaginary sword?"

Hybrid offline/online transactions

You can't upload cash... or can you? Convenience stores function as hybrid offline/online spaces for payments and identify verification.

Moving money internationally

SWIFT operates a messaging protocol which ties banks together with correspondent banks. This collaboration enables most international wires.

Finality does not exist in payments

Many people believe some transactions are final. The reality is a bit more complicated, and involves technical, social, and legal factors.

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I write roughly biweekly on the intersection of tech, financial infrastructure, and systems thinking. It's free.